my uçucuorganikbileşikvocölçü

Volatile Organic Compound VOC Measurement

Internationally approved and accredited;
Volatile Organic Compound VOC Measurement Services

Volatile Organic Compound VOC Measurement

Volatile organic compounds (VOC for short) are a group of various liquids and gases, most of which are colorless and odorless. While volatile organic compounds form the ozone layer in the lower layers of the atmosphere, they react with other environmental pollutants. This constitutes a critical situation. If the amount of these volatile organic compounds reaches a high rate in the ozone layer, this will become harmful to human health. Some of these volatile organic compounds are directly damaging to human health. For example, there is a risk of carcinoma. They can also cause global warming, which is the most serious problem in the world today. They also damage the ozone layer that protects the earth from infrared radiation and radiation.

Scientifically, volatile organic compounds are aromatic hydrocarbons with a boiling temperature of up to 250, causing photo-pollution in the atmosphere and causing air pollution.

In order to prevent health problems due to inhalation of volatile substances, VOC measurements should be performed at regular intervals in accordance with the Health and Safety Requirements for the Use of Work Equipment. Especially in the production of products such as glue, eraser, writing correcting liquid, notebooks and play doughs used in educational institutions, the controls to be carried out in this direction are much more important.

What is the Scope of Volatile Organic Compound VOC Measurement?

Today, there are many sectors that cause volatile organic compounds. The leading sectors are: organic chemistry, rubber, rubber, plastic, asphalt production, fiberglass, wastewater treatment, electronics, paint spray, pharmaceutical and textile industries, or all companies that use organic solvents.

Many effective methods are used to control and recover emissions containing volatile organic compounds. In the adsorption method, which is one of these methods, volatile organic compounds are kept on a solid surface. The most commonly used solid surface is activated carbon. In this method, measurement is performed by taking into account the parameters such as pressure, temperature, VOC molecular weight, VOC concentration and amount of particles and moisture.

The Regulation on the Protection of Human Health from the Damages of Volatile Substances issued by the Ministry of Health in 2010 aims to ensure the control of products containing addictive volatile substances in humans, especially to prevent the access and use of children and to protect the society from the harmful effects of these substances. The regulation prohibited the use of adhesives other than water-based adhesives in educational activities. The regulation also obliges the inspection of production and sales places and the places where these products are used in educational activities.

The products carrying volatile substances within the scope of this regulation are: thinners and paint thinners, non-water based adhesives, solvents, lacquers and paint removers, model adhesives, rubber glues, spray paints, corrective fluids, lacquers and varnishes, shoe paints, scented erasers, marker pencils, paints, scented notebooks, play doughs, flying balloons, other stationery products with volatile substances, other adhesives with volatile substances and technical training products.

In enterprises where these substances are produced, employers have to ensure that regular measurement and analysis of chemicals threatening the health of employees is carried out. If there is a change in the conditions that affect the exposure of workers to chemicals, these measurements and analyzes need to be repeated. The measurement results are evaluated considering the limits specified in the regulation.


our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.provides measurement services in accordance with national and international standards and with an impartial approach and complies with the standards of TS EN ISO / IEC 17020 General Criteria for the Operation of Various Types of Inspection Organizations. You can request further information about volatile organic compound VOC measurement or other measurements from our company.

Volatile Organic Compound VOC Measurement Test