Many machines, tools and equipment used during production are vibrating. While some of these vibrations are too small to be felt, some of them are sized to damage the human body. In low-frequency vibrations, people feel a jolt. However, if vibrations occur at high frequencies, this can cause tingling and burning sensation in the body. Vibrations in general may cause physical and biomechanical, psychological, physiological or pathological effects on the human body. These effects are closely related to each other.
The most important feature of a vibration is its frequency. The frequency of a vibration that affects the human body is 1 to 100 Hz. between. The medical or biological impact of the vibrations on the human body depends on the severity of this vibration and the duration of exposure. In measurements made for testing purposes, the vibration limit of the hand, arm and body in the persons who use any hand tool that causes the vibration is the highest 5 Hz. calculated as. The second highest level is 20 with 30 Hz. It is from. Vibration energy passes from hand to arm and from arm to shoulder. This energy is considerably reduced in the shoulder joints. The anatomical structure of the human being is of course gratifying. The body largely reacts to mechanical vibrations and protects itself.
However, depending on the severity of the vibrations and the duration of exposure, some structures are deformed, respiratory rate increases, oxygen consumption increases, more energy is consumed, heart rhythm increases and blood pressure increases. Employees' performances decrease, deterioration in perception and disturbances in the central nervous system are observed. In addition, glucose and glycogen fall in the blood. Many of these changes in the body are higher at the time of exposure to vibration, but as the time progresses, the body can return to normal.
The effects of exposure to vibration of the hands and arms or the exposure of the whole body to vibration may vary from person to person depending on the following factors:
- Vibration frequency
- The severity of vibration
- The direction of vibration
- Duration of exposure to vibration
- The region where the vibration is applied and the size of this region
- Age, gender, personal sensitivity and general health of the subject subject to vibration
The effect is greater if the frequency of the vibration is low. As the frequency of the vibration increases, the effect of vibration decreases. Vibration measurements which are important for occupational health are made according to frequency bands.
What is the scope of vibration measurement?
In 2013, employers are obliged to ensure that the equipment to be used by the employees is appropriate for the work done and that they do not harm the health and safety of the employees. For this reason, the equipment used by the employees must be tested and inspected by authorized persons at regular intervals and in accordance with certain methods.
The measurements made in this framework also include vibration measurements. There are many national and international standards to be used in these measurements. Here are a few standards that are taken into account when performing vibration measurements:
- Mechanical Vibration - Measurement and Evaluation of Manually Operated Vibration - Section 5349: General Rules
- 5349-2 Mechanical Vibration - Measurement and Evaluation of Hand-held, Hand-to-Body Vibration - Part 2: Practical Guide for Measuring Workplaces
our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.provides measurement services in accordance with national and international standards and with an objective approach. In addition, during these activities, TS EN ISO / IEC 17020 complies with the principles of the General Criteria for Operating Institutions of Various Types of Inspections. If you need more detailed information about vibration measurement, you can contact our organization employees.