The Dust Control Regulation, which was put into force by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in 2013, was issued with the aim of preventing the risks that employees will face due to dust, fighting against dust in terms of occupational health and safety and protecting employees from the harmful effects of dust. For this purpose there is a table showing the occupational exposure limit values for dust. The breathable dust measurement results to be carried out must remain within the limit values described herein. Otherwise, businesses that cause dust during their activities are obliged to take all necessary measures to prevent dust exposure of workers and to protect workers from the harmful effects of dust. For example, work equipment with the risk of dust extraction must have appropriate systems to attract and retain dust at the source. In short, all employees need to be protected against the risk of gas, dust, liquid or vapor from being used.
In general, dusts that are harmful to the respiratory system are quartz, asbestos, beryllium ore, tin ore, some iron ores and coal dust. There are also cancer-causing dusts such as radium and asbestos. Another group of powders is the poisoning effect on human organs and tissues. These are beryllium, arsenic, lead, uranium, radium, manganese, nickel and silver ores. Some dusts are harmful because of alpha and beta rays. Uranium, radium and thorium ores have this feature. There are also less harmful dusts such as kaolin and limestone.
Dusts larger than 10 microns in length can be seen in daylight. In environments with insufficient light, particles smaller than 100 microns cannot be seen. A dust particle of the size 10 microns can be transported at a distance of 100 meters with normal airflow. Dust particles of the size 1 microns can be transported over distances greater than 10 kilometers.
Some of the devices used for dust measurement measure the weight of the total dust in a given amount of air. Some devices count dust particles smaller than 5 microns in length.
What is the Scope of Breathable Dust Measurement?
In accordance with the Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, enterprises are obliged to have their work environments tested and examined at certain intervals and using certain methods. In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law and Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment Regulation issued by the same Ministry, enterprises are required to carry out risk assessment. The common purpose of these legal arrangements is to ensure that employees do not experience any health problems and that enterprises take the necessary measures in this direction.
Some of the national and international standards that should be taken as basis in these analyzes can be listed as follows:
- TS EN 50632-1 Electric motor-powered tools - Dust measurement - Part 1: General requirements
- TS 2360 Air pollution measurement methods - Determination of sulfur dioxide content
- TS 2361 Air Pollution measurement methods - Determination of the amount of substances suspended in the air
- HSE / MDHS 14 / 3 General methods for sampling and gravimetric analysis of respirable and inhalable dust
- NIOSH NMAM 0500 Particulates not otherwise regulated, Total
- NIOSH NMAM 0600 Particulates not otherwise regulated, Respirable
- ASTM D 4532 Standard test method for cyclone samplers
our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.provides measurement services in accordance with national and international standards and with an impartial approach. In addition, during these activities, TS EN ISO / IEC 17020 General Criteria for the Operation of Various Types of Inspection Organizations complies with the principles. If you need more detailed information about respirable dust measurement, you can contact our employees.