The well-illuminated working environment in the enterprises and the fact that the lighting is suitable and safe for the job, provides a comfortable working environment. At the same time, lighting should be sufficient to prevent work accidents in the workplace. In order to determine whether lighting is sufficient, light intensity measurements are made, the current situation is determined and if it is understood that lighting is not sufficient for safe operation, improvements are made.
Lighting is the most important factor in ensuring a safe working environment in the workplaces, maintaining visual activities easily and providing a suitable field of view to the employees. Improving occupational safety conditions will ensure that hazards in a workplace are visible. Illumination also has biological and psychological effects, such as employee well-being and high morale. This is a factor that will increase productivity in the workplace.
Lighting is sufficient, first of all, to see all the details of the work is necessary. It is very important to ensure that the work is done in accordance with the quality standards applied, the reduction of error rates and the prevention of occupational accidents is ensured.
According to experts, it is the right solution to use daylight as much as possible in terms of lighting. However, if this is not possible, a lighting system that meets the lighting criteria should be installed. Balanced lighting systems with daylight are the most suitable solution.
Illumination intensity is one of the main lighting criteria. Illumination intensity is the amount of light falling on a surface. The second criterion is luminescence. This is the amount of light reflected or absorbed by a surface. Other lighting criteria, direct and indirect lighting, reflectance ratio, glare, color temperature of light, color reflection and daylight.
What is the Scope of Light Intensity Measurement?
The intensity of illumination and the distribution of illumination in the working environment is related to how fast, safe and comfortable the employee is doing his job. As the intensity of illumination increases, the details of the work are more easily recognized. As the error rate of employees decreases, occupational accidents also decrease. According to the studies, high illumination intensity increases the concentration and motivation of the employees and increases the performance by 50 percent. Majority of occupational accidents are caused by low lighting intensity. In these studies, productivity improvements have been observed after improvements in lighting in working environments.
According to the Regulation on the Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, employers should test and inspect the environments and equipment used by the employees at regular intervals and in accordance with certain methods.
Measurements made within this framework include light intensity measurements. There are many national and international standards to be used in these measurements. Here are a few standards to consider when performing lighting measurements:
- TS EN 12464-1 Lights and lighting - Lighting of workplaces - Part 1: Indoor workplaces
- TS EN 12464-2 Light and lighting - Lighting of workplaces - Part 2: Outdoor workplaces
- ISO 8995-1: 2002 (CIE S 008 / E: 2001) Lighting of workplaces - Part 1: Indoor
- ISO 8995-3: 2006 (CIE S 016 / E: 2005) Lighting of workplaces - Part 3: Lighting requirements for safety and security of outdoor workplaces
- COHSR-928-1-IPG-039 Measurement of lighting levels in the workplace - Canada occupational safety and health regulations, Part VI
- ISO / FDIS 8995-2: Lighting of workplaces - Part 2005: Outdoor
our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.provides measurement services in accordance with national and international standards and with an impartial approach. In addition, during these activities, TS EN ISO / IEC 17020 General Criteria for the Operation of Various Types of Inspection Organizations complies with the principles. If you need more detailed information about light intensity measurement, you can contact our employees.