According to World Health Organization data, more than 80 percent of infectious diseases in developing countries are caused by lack of hygiene and cleanliness. It is very important that societies are more educated and conscious about hygiene and hygiene issues and that legal arrangements have been made, implemented and even controlled in order to prevent behaviors and habits that create health risks.
When hygiene is mentioned, it is commonly understood that the practices and the cleaning measures taken to protect from health-damaging environments. In general, the term hygiene refers to cleanliness.
It is important to have knowledge about the hygiene risks that are harmful to health in the working environment and to know the hygiene problems and the methods of protection from these risks. Equally, it is important to be aware of the legal regulations issued and to know the principles and practices in this regard. It is also necessary to recognize occupational diseases, which are mainly related to physical or biological factors, and to know their effects and prevention methods.
There are standards developed by the International Standards Organization on issues such as environment, health, safety and hygiene and developed according to the quality management principles accepted throughout the world. Accordingly, occupational hygiene is a branch of science that identifies, evaluates and controls the environmental factors encountered in workplaces that cause employee illness, deterioration of health and various discomforts. Cleaning in working environments means the cleaning of factors that make the working environment and environment harmful to health depending on the qualities of the work.
What is the Scope of Occupational Hygiene Measurements?
The subjects of occupational hygiene are very diverse. For example, occupational health standards, airborne diseases, indoor air quality, noise, radiation, biological factors, chemical factors, lighting, personal protective equipment, ventilation and vibration. Consequently, the scope of business hygiene measures is also wide at this rate. Similarly, the standards applied for the dimensions are different. The following are some examples of measurement types and the standards that apply to them:
- Personal exposure to noise,
- TS EN ISO 11201 Acoustics - Noise from machinery and equipment - Determination of emission sound pressure levels on a reflective plane, mainly at an open area and at other specified locations, with negligible environmental corrections
- TS EN ISO 11204 Acoustics - Noise from machinery and equipment - Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a workstation and at other specified locations with correct environmental correction applied
- For exposure to personal exposure,
- TS EN ISO 5349-1 Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of hand-held vibration to which persons are exposed - Part 1: General rules
- TS ISO 2631-1 Mechanical vibration and shock - Assessment of exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 1: General rules
- TS ISO 2631-2 Mechanical vibration and shock - Assessment of exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 2: Continuous and impact-induced vibration in buildings (1 to 80 Hz)
- For ambient measurement and personal exposure lighting,
- TS EN 12464-1 Light and lighting - Lighting of workplaces - Part 1: Closed workplaces
- TS EN 12464-2 Light and lighting - Lighting of workplaces - Part 2: Outdoor workplaces
our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.provides measurement services in accordance with national and international standards and with an impartial approach and complies with the standards of TS EN ISO / IEC 17020 General Criteria for the Operation of Various Types of Inspection Organizations. Further information on occupational hygiene measurements or other measurements can be requested from our organization.