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Frequency Measurements

Internationally approved and accredited;
Frequency Measurement Services

Frequency Measurements

The number of vibrations or frequency is the frequency or number of repetitions of an event measured over a given period of time. In order to measure the frequency of any event, it is necessary to count the number of times that event occurs within a certain time interval. The frequency is calculated by dividing this number by the time interval. In general, the frequency is indicated in Hertz (Hz). A Hertz means the number of times the event is measured within one second. For example, a frequency of twelve Hertz means that the event repeats itself twelve times in one second. The time between two repetitions is called a period, and another way to measure the frequency is to measure the time between these repetitions. Because the mathematical expression and frequency, the time between the two repetitions of the event itself is the opposite of the multiplication.

The frequency of a sound wave is related to the wavelength. When the wavelength and frequency of the sound wave are multiplied, the velocity of that wave is calculated. Therefore, the wavelength can be calculated based on the frequency of a known wave. An electromagnetic wave is a special type of wave and is related to the velocity of light in space.

When sound or electromagnetic waves change from an environment to an environment of different physical density, their frequencies do not change, but their velocity and wavelengths change.

Vibration refers to the oscillating movements of a mechanical system during operation. In other words, vibration is the event that the potential energy in a system is converted to kinetic energy or the kinetic energy is converted to potential energy. Well-balanced tools and equipment often generate a vibration during operation. It determines the physical magnitude, intensity and frequency of the vibration. These two properties have negative effects on human health.

Vibration intensity is the current power per unit time and unit area perpendicular to the direction of movement of the energy caused by vibration in the environment where vibration occurs. The frequency of the vibration is the number of vibrations per unit time (Hertz, Hz).

The most important sources of vibration in the workplace in enterprises are vibrations reaching the hands and fingers and arms. Tools and equipment that work by hitting, turning or both create vibration. These vibrations can be smooth and single frequency or complex frequency. Vibrations that can be perceived by people 1 and 1000 Hz. between.

What is the Scope of Frequency Measurements?

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security issued the Regulation on Health and Safety in the Use of Work Equipment in 2013. According to this regulation, employers must ensure that the equipment to be used by the employees is suitable for the job and does not harm the health and safety of the employees. Therefore, the equipment used must be tested and inspected by authorized persons in certain intervals and in accordance with certain methods.

Measurements made within this scope include frequency or vibration measurements. There are many national and international standards to be used in these measurements. Here are a few standards to consider when performing frequency and vibration measurements:

  • Mechanical Vibration - Measurement and Evaluation of Manually Operated Vibration - Section 5349: General Rules
  • 5349-2 Mechanical Vibration - Measurement and Evaluation of Hand-held, Hand-to-Body Vibration - Part 2: Practical Guide for Measuring Workplaces


our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.provides measurement services in accordance with national and international standards and with an impartial approach and complies with the standards of TS EN ISO / IEC 17020 General Criteria for the Operation of Various Types of Inspection Organizations. More detailed information about frequency measurements between workplace environment measurements can be requested from our employees.

Frequency Measurements