EMC stands for Electromagnetic Compatibility in English and stands for electromagnetic compatibility. If the products are found to be suitable after the tests carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89 / 336 / EC issued by the European Union, a certificate of conformity is issued by the testing organization.
Developing technologies bring many innovations and convenience to human life. Especially electrical and electronic devices are now an integral part of life. Until recently, energy and data transmission was provided by cables, but today wireless transmission methods are much more common.
However, while new systems harm human health and the environment, they also affect each other. Almost all electrical and electronic devices emit some electromagnetic energy to the environment while they are working. This energy, which is affected by devices during operation, is called electromagnetic interference. The ability of devices to continue to operate in an electromagnetic environment without causing interference or interference is called electromagnetic compatibility. To put it simply, electromagnetic compatibility means that one device does not affect or is affected by another device while it is operating.
The EMC test is performed to determine this condition. Electromagnetic interference problems are seen in every moment of daily life today. An example of this is the noise or interference caused by calls to mobile phones on the radio or television speakers.
Today, there is much emphasis on electromagnetic compatibility. Many industries, including aerospace technologies, medicine, various industrial applications and the automotive sector, must comply with EMC standards. Many national and international standards have been developed in this direction. These standards essentially limit the level of electromagnetic energy emitted by the device to the environment or the energy it is affected by. Electromagnetic compatibility tests are performed in accordance with the test types and methods described in these standards.
What is the scope of the EMC test
Within the scope of the new approach directives, the European Union has issued the following regulations to which machinery and electrical appliances are subject:
• 2006 / 42 / AT Machinery Safety Regulations
• 2006 / 95 / AT Low Voltage Directive (LVD)
• 2004 / 108 / AT Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulation (EMC)
Electromagnetic compatibility tests are based on both these regulations and the relevant standards.
In this context, the standards taken into consideration during EMC testing of electrical and electronic devices are as follows:
- TS EN 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (emu) - Part 6-2: General standards - Immunity for industrial environments
• TS EN 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (emu) - Part 6-4: General standards - Diffusion standard for industrial environments
• TS EN 60601-1-2 Electrical and medical equipment - Part 1-2: General specifications for basic safety and performance - Complementary standard: Electromagnetic disturbances - Characteristics and tests
• TS EN 55024 Information technology devices - Immunity characteristics - Measurement methods and limits
• TS EN 55014-1 Electromagnetic compatibility - Specifications for household appliances and similar appliances - Part 1: Propagation
• TS EN 55014-2 Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household and similar appliances, electrical appliances and similar devices - Part 2: Immunity - Product family standard
• TS EN 62052-11 Electrical measuring equipment (aa) - General rules, tests and test conditions - Part 11: Meter
• TS EN 61326-1 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Emu requirements - Part 1: General requirements
our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.provides testing services in accordance with national and international standards and with an impartial approach and complies with the standards of TS EN ISO / IEC 17020 General Criteria for the Operation of Various Types of Inspection Organizations. You can request more information about EMC tests or other tests from our organization.