Central air-conditioning and ventilation systems have a wide range of applications from shopping malls with closed spaces to factory facilities, from very high intelligent buildings to the simplest residences. As long as people live in closed spaces, the environment in which they are located should be comfortable, ventilation and air conditioning systems should work properly regardless of the weather conditions and the system should automatically control the delivery of conditioned air to the indoor environment. The fact that such a system is managed from a single center reduces energy consumption to the lowest level.
Sensors are the most important device in central air conditioning and ventilation systems. The sensing element is a device that measures the physical changes of the controlled medium and generates signals. These devices monitor and measure a variable. Air conditioning variables are temperature, humidity and pressure. There are different types of sensors and they produce different types of signals. Here are a few types of sensors: temperature sensors, humidity sensors, dew point sensors, pressure sensing elements, liquid flow sensing elements, level measuring sensors, air flow sensors and speed sensors.
Temperature sensors make use of certain properties of substances during their operation. For example, they benefit from the expansion of solid, liquid and gaseous materials, the change in electrical resistance, the intensity of electric motor power, or the intensity of light and heat radiation.
Importance of Measurement of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Installation
Regardless of the intended use, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) must be well controlled to ensure certain comfort in all buildings in different climatic conditions. HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning in English and is an abbreviation that stands for heating, ventilation and cooling. One of the best ways to save energy in buildings is to establish effective HVAC control with building management systems. The aim of this study is to provide thermal comfort and indoor air quality as well as to reduce energy costs and to minimize environmental pollutants.
In the nineteenth century, ventilation control in buildings was provided only by opening windows. However, with the beginning of the twentieth century, the desired ventilation flow rates and temperature control have been provided with electrical energy. In 1930 years, air conditioning technology started to develop and natural ventilation methods were abandoned. Today, it is known what the optimum ventilation rates should be and the desired temperature and humidity conditions. Control systems and technologies to meet these conditions are also developing.
During regular checks of ventilation and air conditioning installations, the following basic measurements are carried out: ventilation installation measurement, air conditioning installation measurement and ventilation fans performance measurement.
In accordance with the Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment, regular inspections and inspections of local and general ventilation conditions are required in the establishments. Therefore, the capacity of the ventilation system in operation is measured. At the same time, the hygiene measurement values of the environment and the conditions specified in the standards are evaluated and reported. In accordance with the said regulation, the measurement work must be carried out by mechanical engineers, machine technicians or high technicians. According to the regulation, it should be measured at least once a year whether the ventilation and air conditioning installation meets the criteria specified in the projects and the relevant standard requirements. By using air flow velocities measured with appropriate test and inspection devices, experimental data are calculated and the available capacities are determined. If these values correspond to the theoretical capacities specified in the project, a certificate of conformity is issued.
Today, there are many test and inspection organizations and they provide ventilation and air conditioning installation measurement services. Within this framework, our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc. provides ventilation and air conditioning installation measurement services with a competent manager and employee staff and a strong infrastructure.