Vacuum testing is generally used to detect leaks in weld joints. During this test, which is a practical application, the pressure difference is applied and controlled based on the front and back surfaces of the material to be tested. In general, pressure test, storage tanks and piping systems, vacuum test is applied for control purposes.
Different types of vacuum test modules are used according to the properties of the material or part to be tested and tested. With vacuum tests, it is possible to control small welding zones and obtain more accurate results. Vacuum tests are also more suitable for checking welding types, butt welding, thrust welding and corner welding.
Before starting the vacuum tests, the vacuum hose and the manometer are connected to the vacuum box. A soapy mixture is then sprayed onto the weld. The vacuum box is then placed on the weld and the vacuum is created. If bubbles or a decrease in vacuum start to occur while the welding zone is being evaluated, this indicates a welding error in that zone.
Vacuum tests, also called vacuum bubble test, are one of the most reliable methods of non-destructive testing.
Vacuum tests are carried out at the weld tanks of the storage tanks to see if there are stitch leaks. In this test method, detergent solution is generally used as a soapy mixture. If there is an error or leakage in the storage tank, air bubbles start to form on this solution.
Vacuum testing, which has the ability to test any leakage very quickly, is widely used in the testing and inspection of base sheets and plates of cylindrical tanks.
After the vacuum chamber is placed on the surface to be examined and vacuum is applied, the results are monitored by looking at the plate screen inside the vacuum chamber.
Standards for Vacuum Testing
Generally, if the back surface of the material to be checked cannot be reached and open holes, cracks and similar defects cannot be detected on both surfaces, vacuum testing is the most preferred method. It has taken its place in the standards as a sine qua non control method in the inspection and control of tank base welds. This method is used to investigate the pressure difference in pipe systems and pressurized welds and tank bases.
The main advantages of this method are that it is easy and simple to use, it provides fast results, allows even small leaks to be found and it is easy to evaluate faults quickly and safely. However, there are some disadvantages in that it requires another non-destructive testing method to detect the size and direction of the detected error or leakage, and that the surface temperature of the material being examined is between 5 and 50 degrees.
Today, there are many test and inspection organizations that apply and evaluate vacuum tests. What is important is that these studies are carried out by mechanical engineers with a level 9712 certificate in compliance with the TS EN ISO 7477 Nondestructive testing - NDT personnel qualification and certification - General specifications standard (former TS 473 EN 2 standard).
In order to ensure reliable and healthy results of vacuum tests, the procedures must be performed in accordance with the standards. The standards used in the implementation of this method are as follows:
- TS EN 13160-2 Leak detection systems - Part 2: Pressure and vacuum systems
our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.provides vacuum testing and inspection services within the scope of non-destructive testing services with a competent manager and employee staff and a strong infrastructure.