the hijyensanitasyo

Hygiene Sanitation

Our Expert Engineers and Authorities;
Hygiene Sanitation Inspection and Controls

Hygiene Sanitation

In general, the profession of medicine has worked to improve patients and at least relieve their pain. I mean, people always knock on the doctor's door when they get sick. Until recently, the relationship between the doctor and the patient remained dependent on the time of illness and duration of illness. Doctorship is not a profession that should be concerned with the health of not only the patient but the whole society. However, the first priority of doctors should be the protection of society from diseases. The important thing is to correct the conditions that cause the disease to occur. It is necessary to investigate and regulate the conditions of society, family, work and environment. Today, studies conducted in this direction are called health protection. Hygiene is a synthesis of all health-related information in order to protect, promote and maintain a high level of public health and has a wide scope. In this context, for example, if food hygiene is mentioned, the production, storage and consumption of various foods must be carried out in fully sanitary conditions.

Sanitation, in its broadest sense, is a set of principles for the protection, improvement and recovery of human health in the event of deterioration. Again, in the food sector, sanitation in the food sector means the creation and maintenance of clean and healthy conditions in food production. Sanitation in nature, on the other hand, has a broader meaning including preservation of biological balance. In this context, food sanitation means producing food that is chemically, physically and biologically reliable in meeting the nutritional needs that form the basis of human life.

Hygiene is intertwined with sanitation and complements each other. Hygiene refers to all necessary measures to ensure clean, healthy, reliable and high quality conditions at all stages of production.

Hygiene and sanitation inspections are carried out with the aim of ensuring that the enterprises produce in cleaner and hygienic conditions and that consumers rely on the produced foods.

Food hygiene and sanitation inspections and controls are carried out according to the Food Hygiene Regulation issued in 2011 and TS 2003 Hygiene and Sanitation in Food Production Facilities - General Rules published in 13027.

The benefits of hygiene and sanitation examinations can be listed as follows:

  • With hygiene and sanitation controls, consumers ensure that the products they receive are healthy and safe.
  • The enterprises are made suitable for cleaning and hygiene.
  • Businesses provide consumers with quality and reliable products.
  • Consumer complaints are reduced, so that the reputation of the business increases.
  • Physical, chemical or biological hazards that are present or likely to occur in the future are recognized and necessary precautions are taken.
  • It creates a common sense of responsibility for all employees and an effective self-control system is implemented in the enterprise.
  • The motivation of employees increases and their productivity increases.
  • Production is made in accordance with the current legal regulations.
  • The entity is prepared for legal audits at any time.

What are Hygiene and Sanitation Inspection Services?

Many test and inspection organizations carry out hygiene and sanitation inspections in an impartial manner through working methods that are traceable to national and international standards.

In general, hygiene and sanitation inspection services cover the following areas:

  • Food hygiene examination
  • Water hygiene inspection
  • Personnel hygiene examination
  • Equipment hygiene inspection
  • Air hygiene inspection
  • Food temperature and pH controls
  • Humidity and temperature controls of environments
  • Legionella and pool control

Hygiene and sanitation inspections can be carried out according to the requests of the enterprises and with or without notice. In all cases, however, frequent testing and inspection of the relevant standards is required.

our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.provides hygiene and sanitation inspection services to enterprises with a competent manager and employee staff and a strong infrastructure.



Hygiene Sanitation Service

Hygiene Sanitation Controls

Legionella and Pool Control Legionella is a species of bacteria. The disease caused by this bacterium is called Legionnaires' Disease and is a disease that affects the lungs.
Humidity-Temperature Control of Environments All foodstuffs are affected by inappropriate temperatures. Therefore, foodstuffs can be found, placed or ...
Food Temperature and Ph Control Various food control devices for restaurants, hotels, catering services, ovens, industrial kitchens, hospitals and maintenance ...
Air Hygiene Inspection In order to ensure the hygiene and hygiene of the food, only the cleaning of the raw material, the working personnel and the materials, tools and ...
Equipment Hygiene Inspection Food hygiene and hygiene, used in food production and food contact with all materials, tools and ...
Personnel Hygiene Examination When hygiene is mentioned in the food sector, to be healthy and hygienic in food production and to maintain this situation ...
Water Hygiene Inspection Essential elements for living things are air and water as well as nutrients. The living organisms ...
Food Hygiene Inspection Food hygiene, production, storage and consumption of various foods to be done completely in accordance with health conditions ...