Since the pressure of the city water network is insufficient to meet the water requirements of high and multi-storey buildings, hydrophores are used. Pressure boosters are pumping systems that automatically compress water with low pressure to the desired height by compressing with air. The process of compressing the air is provided by the pump, the tank and the auxiliary elements located thereon.
Booster tanks are made by using steel sheet in thickness according to standards according to working pressure. The task of the tank is to keep the water and air together and to give the desired pressure level to the water. When water is introduced into the air tank, the air pressure rises in proportion to the volume of the water. In this case, the trapped air presses the surface of the water. In this way, water is carried to higher heights.
The booster auxiliary equipment on the air tank are valves, check valves, safety valves, air injectors, air valves or a compressor, pressure switches, manometers.
A wide range of hydrofoils are available. Some hydrophores provide air themselves. Some booster sets use an air compressor for this purpose. Some booster tanks use membranes to separate air and water. The membrane is generally pressure-resistant rubber. Membrane booster sets are advantageous because they are cheap and have little space, but they are more likely to fail as the pressure switch and the pump switch on and off frequently.
Expansion tanks, boilers, central systems and combi boilers. When the hot water volume increases, excess water starts to form. If this excess water is not controlled in one place, high pressure builds up on the pipes, radiators and other mechanical parts on the hot water system. This causes water to escape from the weakest point. The expansion tank is the tank that holds the excess water that is heated and prevents the increase of the water pressure in the system. Particularly the most important part during boiler maintenance is the expansion tank.
For the safe operation of booster and expansion tanks, installation and operation activities must be carried out in accordance with the rules and regular inspections and inspections should be carried out on time.
Control and Inspection Principles of Pressure Tank and Expansion Tank
In accordance with the Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment which entered into force in 2013, the booster and expansion tanks shall be inspected and inspected at least once a year unless another period is stipulated in the relevant standards.
The following standards must be taken into account in these inspections, which must be carried out by mechanical engineers, machine technicians or high technicians:
- TS 1203 EN 286-1 Tanks - Simple - Non-flammable - Pressurized - Designed to store air or nitrogen - Part 1: Pressure tanks for general purposes
- TS EN 1012-1 Compressors and vacuum pumps - Safety rules - Part 1: Air compressors
- TS EN 13445-5 Pressure receptacles - Non-contact - Section 5: Inspection and testing
Hydrofolar and expansion tanks are vehicles operating under pressure, and pressure points are always dangerous to people's life and property safety. Failure to carry out regular inspections using timely and correct methods carries the risk of explosion at unexpected times.
Like many test and inspection organizations TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc. undertakes the control and inspection operations of hydrofolar and expansion tanks within the scope of regular checks and inspections of pressure vessels and prepares reports if deemed appropriate. Our organization has a competent manager and employee staff and a strong infrastructure in this field.