the hostingkalitebelge

Hosting Quality Certificate

TÜRCERT Certification
Hosting and Domain Quality Certificate

Hosting Quality Certificate

Hosting service is the service given to keep the pages, documents, images and documents on a computer that can be accessed by internet users. These computers, called servers, have high access speeds and allow thousands of users to access them simultaneously. Hosting services are provided through machines called servers which are much more powerful than desktop computers.

Hosting services are provided in several ways by the companies offering this service. For example, in shared hosting service, a large number of hosting can be hosted on a single server according to the physical strength and bandwidth of the server. For example, branded and private computers that are produced as servers can hold more than a thousand non-standard and high density hosting accounts.

Servers that provide hosting services must be constantly open and accessible at all times of the day. The servers are stored in private rooms in the enterprises providing this service. In these places, there must be air conditioner, generator, a system engineer and high speed internet. All of these are brought together to provide hosting services. The e-mail system also works on these servers. Both websites and e-mail addresses communicate with the IP protocol through servers.

ISO 9001 Standard for Hosting Services

Today, many domestic and foreign companies provide hosting services. These companies allocate space on the server for customers to activate the site name. This process called hosting is done monthly or yearly with the rental method. The most important issues for customers in the hosting process are: the opening speed of the site, the size of the space to be reserved for the site, and the programs and general features that the site needs.

Loading of site pages is very important. The slow opening of pages or the lack of them is the biggest source of dissatisfaction. If the server's speed to the Internet is low, or if it provides hosting services over its capacity, it will inevitably decrease. The space on the server depends entirely on the need and is naturally a factor that affects the charge. Finally, it is very important that the servers support the program and database used on the site.

In terms of customer satisfaction, hosting companies' quality, reliable and fast action depends on the systematic work. That is why companies are committed to adhering to the principles of total quality management and to applying ISO 9000 series quality standards.

As in many areas of our hosting services TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc. conducts certification studies for enterprises and Hosting Quality Certificate. You can contact our company's managers and employees in this document and in all matters concerning ISO 9001 standards.

Hosting Quality Certificate