our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.While providing all kinds of products and services during certification studies or providing measurement, analysis, testing, inspection and evaluation services, it is committed to be independent and impartial to its customers and to ensure that all information and documents are protected and kept confidential.
Our company, TÜRCERT announced the confidentiality, independence and impartiality commitment that has been meticulously implemented since the day it was founded, always one step forward in its struggle against its competitors in the sector.
Privacy Commitment
While providing product and service certification studies to its customers as well as measurement, analysis, testing, inspection and evaluation services, it receives some information and documents according to the conditions of the work. The sharing of these documents and the results reports with unrelated third parties or public disclosures will necessarily damage the organization requesting services. For this reason, our organization does not keep any copyrights, patent rights, R & D work or any other intellectual property of its customers.
The ISO 17020 Certificate we have and the principles applied to this standard also require that privacy be given priority during our activities. Thanks to this document, TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc. assures all its customers that the information and documents obtained during their work will be kept confidential.
Independence and Impartiality Commitment
Regardless of which sector it is necessary to be independent, not under the influence of any other organization as required by the conditions, not to receive opinions, suggestions or instructions from any organization or to be in a position to benefit any organization. While this moral principle is providing various product and service certification studies or providing measurement, analysis, testing, inspection and evaluation services, our company TÜRCERT Teknik Kontrol ve Belgelendirme A.Ş. is also a fundamental moral principle.
We are subject to TS EN ISO / IEC 17020 to be independent, impartial and honest during the activities of the General Criteria standard for the Inspection of Various Types of Inspection Bodies.
Being independent and impartial, the company managers and employees who are responsible for providing certification and test and inspection services cannot be the company that makes the design works, produces, installs, supplier, buy or provide maintenance services within the scope of these works. This is an important point. Being a party in this way is a factor that causes the services to be neutral. According to the ISO 17020 standard, it is not possible for our organization to be an authorized representative of these parties.
Our company TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc. has accreditation authority in accordance with ISO 17020 standard. It precisely avoids the activities that would contradict the impartiality and independence of its decisions and accuracy during their work. All the processes that he / she must obey during his / her activities must apply to all parties without discrimination.
In short, our company TÜRCERT attaches importance to not being directly related to the design, production, installation, supply and use of products made of measurement, analysis, testing, inspection and evaluation, or to be directly related to the competition conditions, in accordance with the principle of being independent, impartial and honest in the standard. In this context, regardless of the size, location, political approaches and social status of the serviced enterprises, it operates on equal terms to all organizations, based on scientific evaluations, without exerting any interest.
In the meantime, our company TÜRCERT is trying to share its experiences with other certification and test and inspection organizations in accordance with ISO 17020 standard and exchange information about the processes as appropriate.