Customer satisfaction refers to the real burden of sales and marketing activities. All companies depend on customers. Companies cannot stand without a customer. If customer loyalty and satisfaction is not created, it is not possible to retain those customers. The first goal of the companies should be to meet customer needs and expectations. According to a survey of customer behavior, the cost of acquiring a new customer is five times the cost of retaining existing customers. Therefore, the relationship between the company and the customer is very important in terms of getting along with the customer, creating customer loyalty and retaining the customer.
Some customers are a one-off. Some customers come from time to time. Some customers come on a regular basis. Some customers are loyal customers. Customers' behavior is directly related to how the firm treats the customer. In order to create customer loyalty, it is necessary to apply customer-focused sales methods and to pay attention to individual details.
The service cost of the customers connected with the sense of loyalty to the company is much lower than the other customers. Because loyal customers are customers who believe in the company and its services. There's no need to prove anything more to them.
Companies that know their customers and know their wishes and expectations are successful. Today, customers are the most valuable asset for companies. Companies have to satisfy these most valuable assets and ensure their continuity. Customers can opt out of the products and services they use very easily.
The most important tool in creating customer satisfaction and loyalty is to implement customer complaints management. In this way, dissatisfaction of customers who are dissatisfied is eliminated and their loyalty to the company can be increased. This system also contributes to the business processes of the company. Thanks to the complaints received, the faults of the products and services offered are recognized and the repetition of the same mistakes is prevented.
ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System standard is designed to create customer satisfaction in companies and to evaluate and resolve complaints and suggestions from customers.
Scope of Customer Satisfaction Management System Trainings
The issues described above are increasingly important in creating customer loyalty and resolving customer complaints. The first studies in this direction were the Customer Relationship Management studies during the years of 1990. In 2004, the ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System standard was published by the International Standards Organization. This standard defines what needs to be done to create customer loyalty. Companies that set up and implement the ISO 10002 standard that bring a systematic approach to this issue, how and in which ways customer complaints will be received, by whom and how these complaints will be met by the company, when the complaints are resolved by whom and how to communicate with the customer and the same complaint issue needs to be done.
our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.provides training services as well as certification studies to companies who want to establish and implement this standard in their enterprises. The training programs organized for this purpose are as follows:
- ISO 10002 Basic Training
- ISO 10002 Internal Audit Training
- ISO 10002 Documentation Training
With the ISO 10002 standard, companies are able to handle customer complaints in a consistent, systematic and responsible manner and have the ability to resolve complaints in a way that satisfies the customer and the company. The trainings on this subject mainly focus on:
- TSE certification procedure
- Conditions of ISO 10002 standard
- Terms, definitions and principles
- Complaints handling method
- Planning and design
- Running the complaints handling process
- System maintenance and improvement works
- Case studies
These trainings are usually completed in two days and successful participants receive certificates.
Our company TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc., ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System trainings to companies with all managers and employees and strong infrastructure.