Other Quality Certification

Sectoral Quality Certification Services

Municipal Quality Certificate

Until recently, the basis of public administration was the understanding of organization and management. However, this understanding has left its place to productivity management which is based on total quality management and customer satisfaction which is accepted in business world. In this respect, the activities of the municipalities in charge of providing quality and systematic service to people

Museum Quality Certificate

Museums, which took place at a time in history and are established to exhibit the history, science and art products of the societies living today, as well as underground and aboveground wealth. While the museums are opened, the aim is to store and display the cultural and artistic works of the societies. In this way, museums, societies

Spa Quality Certificate

Thermal tourism or spa tourism, underground hot water bath, mud bath and similar activities are done, physical therapy, rehabilitation, climate cure and psychotherapy is a form of tourism that combines treatment methods applied or is a form of entertainment in the thermal waters. Spa tourism, medical tourism and geriatrics

Halal Tourism Certificate

Tourism enterprises that serve in accordance with the requirements of Islamic religion and alternative holiday options are called halal tourism. In order to have a holiday in these establishments, people must be Muslims. Anyone who wants to holiday in accordance with Islamic rules can benefit from these businesses. Hotels, resorts, tour organizations and me

Halal Quality Certificate

Halal is a word of Arabic origin and means legal, legitimate and valid. The words halal and haram are opposite. Haram means legitimate, appropriate or illegal. These two concepts are of great importance for Judaism and Muslim religious practices. In this context, halal means that any person who eats, drinks or consumes

Tender Quality Certificate

Tender is a system used by companies for the works to be done by increasing or decreasing. It is natural that a person or organization that wants to have a job want to have the job done with the lowest wage and the right person or organization. Tender a job means that the organization puts forward such intention. Similarly, companies sell a

Agency Quality Certificate

Due to the development of smartphones and the strength of the camera features, the photography sector has reached a serious contraction. Instead of printing photos, people prefer to store them digitally. Moreover, the printing of each of the photos taken too many in number,

Photography Quality Certificate

Due to the development of smartphones and the strength of the camera features, the photography sector has reached a serious contraction. Instead of printing photos, people prefer to store them digitally. Moreover, the printing of each of the photos taken too many in number,

Marble Granite Quality Certificate

It is estimated that our country has 40 percent of the marble reserves in the world. These reserves are located in a large area in Anatolia and Thrace regions. To date, in our country, more than 80'den different structures and different colors and patterns of 120'den have been found in marble. Marble export figures are growing day by day. Marble i

Metallurgy Quality Certificate

Today, metallurgy and materials engineering, construction, chemical, mechanical, aircraft, environmental, medical and electrical and electronics is a branch of science and technology. Metallurgical engineering is directly related to energy, efficiency and raw materials and continues to develop in harmony with these three factors. Generally metallurgical and material engineering f

Supplier Industry Quality Certificate

The component sector, or more commonly referred to as the sub-industry sector, is generally a sector dependent on the main sector customers. The majority of these enterprises are small and medium-sized enterprises, ie SMEs. The automotives sector is one of the sectors that the sub-industry sector is dependent on. Do this day

Glassware Quality Certificate

As a word, glassware, glass, porcelain and similar articles made of similar materials. Various tableware and kitchen utensils, figurines, vases, and similar decorative items, lighting glasses whose raw material is glass are included in the glassware class. In the glassware industry, not only glass, but also porcelain, ceramic, crystal, aluminum, steel or plastic raw

Elevator Quality Certificate

The elevator sector in our country has started to show itself after 1950 years. However, over time, a sector structure in which needs were met through imports was gradually abandoned, and gradually, domestic production in the fields of installation and parts production began to increase.

Pulses Quality Certificate

Legumes such as beans, chickpeas, peas and lentils have been the cornerstones of nutrition for centuries. Therefore, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) announced the year 2016 as the International Year of Pulses. All products in the pulses sector are a very important source of vegetable protein for humans. Pulses ü

Market Research Quality Certificate

Market research is very important in terms of improving the competitiveness of the country's industry. In line with such a mission, the market research sector configures its services according to the objectives of enterprises in different sectors. In this way, it supports the sustainable growth of our country. Market research hi

Human Resources Quality Certificate

While employers want to find qualified employees, young people who will enter the working life find it difficult to find companies with career plans. In particular, large-scale companies give importance to their employees, provide motivation and offer attractive opportunities. Companies to be opened to international markets

Food Quality Certificate

The catering sector, or, more precisely, the catering sector, is among the fastest growing sectors in our country. Today, around one thousand 8 companies in this sector, bulk or on-site production system provides catering services. The catering sector serves both public and private sector employees. Municipalities, Ministry of Health

Catering Quality Certificate

As industrialization increases, so does the workforce. But more importantly, in order to get the most out of time and performance, businesses go to an agreement with firms that provide healthy but low-cost catering services for employee nutrition. Catering means food supply, but nowadays more

Journalism Quality Certificate

Journalism activities are all the activities of preparing and publishing a newspaper or magazine. Journalists are committed to quickly accessing news sources and providing information quickly to readers. While journalists perform their duties, they write articles based on events, documents and information. Gazteci of

Electronic Device Quality Certificate

Electronic industry products are one of the most important sectors of the global economy with very high trade volume. This sector has shown a great development in our country in recent years. Electronics industry, computers, office machines, calculators, electrical machines and devices, communication equipment, radio and television, various circuits, picture tubes, sieve

White Goods Quality Certificate

The white goods sector, which is one of the sub-sectors of durable consumer goods, covers a wide range of products with a lifetime of more than one year. Since production activities in the white goods sector require different technologies, there is a wide range of products. This includes a refrigerator, washing machine

Foreign Trade Quality Certificate

The activities of buying and selling the goods and services are called trade. Foreign trade is a concept related to the extension of goods and services and capital beyond national borders. Trade transactions between countries are called foreign trade. With this feature, foreign trade, the rise of national income, e

Fair Quality Certificate

The most important indicator in the fair sector is not the number of fairs held in a country, but the characteristics and importance of these fairs. In fact, the fact that the number of fairs is too high is often considered as an obstacle to the development of the country's fairs.

E-Commerce Quality Certificate

E-commerce, or electronic commerce, is a system that offers people the opportunity to shop on the internet and certain payment options. With the development and expansion of the Internet and the acquisition and strengthening of various security systems, many people who use the Internet shop online.

Mold Quality Certificate

At the basis of the industrialization efforts lies in the production of products within certain tolerances in accordance with national and international standards. Numerous scientific researches have been carried out to produce these products in a fast and economical way and as a result new production techniques are developed or existing production techniques are developed.

Cable Industry Quality Certificate

In terms of production capacity in the cable industry, our country is in the tenth place in the world. Annual export figures have reached 3 billion dollars. Most exports are to Europe, Middle East and Turkish Republics. It is possible for export figures to grow further, but the biggest obstacle is the lack of customs agreements.

Architectural Quality Certificate

The structural and technical features of the building affect the quality of the building. The method chosen during construction, the properties of the materials used and the compatibility of these materials with each other are factors that affect the quality of the building. Another factor affecting the quality of the building is aesthetics. The building, the sense of appreciation of the users and the people around

Engineering Quality Certificate

The construction sector, due to its internal dynamics, leads many subsidiary sectors. The construction industry is also one of the most important sectors of economic growth. In our country, especially with the urban transformation, the construction sector has gained significant momentum in recent years. However, the construction sector has a fragmented structure and complex consisting of many different areas.

Fisheries Quality Certificate

The common problem of developing or underdeveloped countries is disruptions such as low production, income and employment, and this problem changes the habits of nutrition and consumption. According to the data of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 30 percent of protein consumed per person per day in Turkey is of animal origin and 70 percent is vegetable source.

Paper Products Quality Certificate

The paper and paper products sector supplies its raw material in three ways:

  • Mainly using various wood species
Concrete Cement Quality Certificate

Concrete and cement production in our country is much higher than consumption. Our country is one of the world's largest exporters in the concrete and cement industry. Due to the high demand for ready-mixed concrete and cement of the countries around us and the ongoing urban transformation activities in our country, the need for ready-mixed concrete and cement is constantly increasing. But this