Other Quality Certification

Sectoral Quality Certification Services

Food Certificate

The Bursa Specialization Law, which was enacted during the second Bayezid period, is the most perfect and comprehensive municipal law in the world. It is also the first law in the world to protect consumer rights, the first food law, the first standards law and the first environmental law.

Textile Quality Certificate

The garment and textile sector has always played an important role in the economic development of countries. This sector, which has a significant impact on the industrialization process of developed countries, has the same impact on the economic development of developing countries today. Today, due to rising production and labor costs, textile

Automotive Quality Certificate

The efforts to establish standards for the suppliers operating in the automotive industry are not new. For example, the needs of the automotive industry in the US, Chrysler, General Motor and Ford Motor companies by the QS 9000 standard was developed. Developed for the automotive industry, this standard

Quality certificates

Standardization studies reveal the basic characteristics of the goods and services produced, production units, laboratories and quality systems. Other fields such as law and management are now included in the scope of the expanding standardization studies. In short, standardization works for every economic and social organization

Quality Processes

In a production process, when a process is mentioned, it is understood as a sum of the equipment, materials, employees, methods and environmental elements that interact with each other in order to convert a certain input into a certain output for presentation to the customers. For processes that can be defined, measured, repeated and linked together

Accredited Certification Firm

Accreditation, management system certificates, test, test and inspection reports, calibration certificates, personnel certificates or product certificates of the institutions and laboratories, the requesting organizations for the validation of national and international validity and reliability procedures are called.

Certified Certification Body

The products that are required to bear the CE marking within the framework of European Union directives have been graded in terms of the health risks posed to consumers. Companies that produce products that do not pose a risk to life and property safety while being used by consumers are fully responsible for their products.

Certification Body

The aim of standardization studies is to ensure that the products and services are produced according to certain criteria and programs, to produce quality in accordance with the specified conditions, to prevent the loss of labor, time and resources during production, to increase the productivity and gains of the enterprises in this way, to ensure the control of stocks and as a result.

Certification Company

Businesses who want to obtain documents on any subject and have completed all their works in this respect, have to apply to a recognized certification institution which is accepted in national or international field for this purpose. Which certification firm will be, is the management decision of the enterprise. Neither the certification company nor the certification company

System Certification Firms

Accreditation activities are used to improve the quality, efficiency and efficiency of enterprises and are based on an effective assessment of the compliance of their activities with certain standards. Accreditation is a program based on internationally accepted principles and criteria. Especially developed and developing

Quality Certification Firms

Accreditation is an official recognition process that proves that a national or international competent body is sufficient for an organization to perform certain tasks. The objective of accreditation is to:

Quality Certification

In the period when Total Quality Management was first discussed, the most important issue was determining the customer needs correctly and meeting the customer expectations correctly. 9001 Quality Management System, which was founded on the concept of Total Quality Management, was based on this understanding. However, over time, with more awareness of customers

Quality Certificate

Everyone has defined quality from their point of view. Therefore, there is no single definition of bitch. It is simply possible to define quality as all of the characteristics of a product or service that meet specific needs. In the ISO 9000 Quality Management System standards series, quality, suitability and use

ISO 14001 Environmental Quality Certificate

Today, there are many environmental problems from depletion of resources to environmental disasters. Moreover, these problems are not only regional, but also globally. Environmental problems are now being evaluated together with the security dimension. Particular attention has been given to environmental safety over the last two decades.

ISO 22000 Food Quality Certificate

To put it simply, preparing food in accordance with its intended use and not harming people when consumed is the basis of the concept of food safety. However, from a broader perspective on food safety, food can be physically, chemically and biologically caused by food-borne diseases in humans.

ISO 9001 Quality Certificate

The technology that developed with the twentieth century, a globalizing world, the more challenging conditions of competition in every field, led to significant changes in the relations between producers and consumers and the preferences of consumers. These changes have brought different dimensions to quality and quality management.

ISO International Standard Organization Structure

When establishing the International Standards Organization, it is aimed to:

  • Simplifying the exchange of goods and services in international markets
How was ISO formed?

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. The standards developed and published by this organization are also called ISO.

Mainly the purpose of ISO standards

What is ISO?

ISO is the short name of the organization whose English name is International Organization for Standardization. International Standards Organization. Initials are the abbreviation IOS. However, this organization has chosen ISO as its short name, and it is the last letter of the Greek word ISOS which means order.

Why should I get Quality Certificate?

Many definitions have been made about what quality is. Anyone who is interested in this subject has their own definition. However, no matter how they are expressed, what they have in common is that a product or service produced has the ability to meet certain needs. In other words, a product or service that is produced can meet customer expectations

What Advantages Does a Quality Certificate Offer to the Organization?

Standardization efforts are actually the activities of people as a result of the search for quality and economic. Starting from this definition, standardization studies can be not only in the economic field, but also for a methodology related to a scientific research or an application or any social purpose study. Netiece these studies