Other Quality Certification

Sectoral Quality Certification Services

Wind Power Plant Quality Certificate

Natural energy sources are constantly running out. On the other hand, as the world develops, the need for energy resources increases. For today, fossil fuels, especially oil, are still the largest energy source in the world. Fossil fuels, rotting plants, animals, dinosaurs and similar living things, pressure effect of millions of years as a result of the change

Renewable Energy Quality Certificate

Our country has been one of the fastest growing energy markets while maintaining its economic growth over the past decade. Energy distribution is completely transferred to the private sector and energy generation is privatized. Thanks to the successfully implemented privatization program, the energy sector is extremely competitive.

Art Quality Certificate

Art galleries are not only exhibition halls. Places that perform well are paying more attention to exhibition techniques and exhibition quality. Exhibition activities are also considered as an art event. For this reason, the art gallery does not compromise its lines and strives to add a different dimension to art. Each art

Optical Quality Certificate

Optics means light information. Lenses and mirrors of different shapes change the direction of light in various ways. These changes were determined by the rules of geometric optics. Companies operating in the optical sector generally produce glasses and lenses for cameras, video cameras and similar devices.

Jewelery Quality Certificate

Jewelery is a beautiful ornament as a jewelry, but it also has the ability to be easily converted to money in case of economic difficulties. The place sees people as jewels, a guarantee of the future. At the same time, the exports of these ornaments made of precious metals have increased significantly in recent years. Faa in our country

Accessory Quality Certificate

Accessories are various items and accessories designed for a number of reasons, such as creating people's own style, reflecting their personality, achieving an integrity and color harmony with their clothes. The accessory industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in recent years. While existing brands do not slow down, new brands

Jewelry Quality Certificate

The most developed area of ​​our country in the jewelry sector is jewelry. Along with the rise in gold prices, especially after 2000, a great increase was observed in gold jewelry. Manufacturer companies have started to participate in fairs abroad and the number of enterprises participating in these fairs has increased. Eat young talents in design

Export Quality Certificate

Previously, all of our exports consisted almost of agricultural products. However, in recent years, our exports have increased to more than 80. This is of course pleasing, but at this point it is important to see what value-added exports create. Unfortunately, the level of exports and the products and services

Import Quality Certificate

According to the Standardization in Foreign Trade Communiqué issued by the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade in 2006, the products to be subject to Free Movement Regime shall be subject to the basic requirements for the right to inform the consumer regarding the relevant standards or regulations or minimum health, safety and environmental protection.

Stationery Quality Certificate

Stationery covers a wide area. In addition to permanent products such as calculators, staples and scissors used in offices, paper, photocopy paper, staples, glue and similar consumables and similar materials used in schools are always included in the definition of stationery.

Office Quality Certificate

The office is the working environment in which organizational activities are conducted to manage a company. Office buildings or areas depend entirely on the size and activities of the company. However, when the quality of the office environment is mentioned, it is meant that the offices meet certain standards. Today, office environments are becoming more and more ergonomic

Press Quality Certificate

When media is mentioned, mass media comes to mind. Print media or electronic organs such as radio, television, magazines and newspapers refer to the press. Historically, the press has played an important role in enlightening and reacting to societies. Reactions were generally made against power and opposition. However, ba

Ceramic Quality Certificate

Ceramics are inorganic compounds obtained by combining one or more metals with non-metallic elements. Ceramics, kaolin, clay and similar substances are obtained by cooking at high temperatures. Clay, the main substance of ceramics, is abundant in nature. When the clay mineral is crushed and mixed with water, it forms easily.

Porcelain Quality Certificate

The term Porsenel was first used by Marco Polo for these products brought from China. Porcelain is a product from the ceramic group produced entirely from clay soil. Mainly its structure is of two parts: the body and the glaze on it. The body part consists of glass in which other crystals are added at a ratio of almost 80 percent. So porcelain

Corporate Quality Certificate

Companies must first maintain their assets and then ensure sustainable growth. Sustainable growth can be achieved through institutionalization. On the one hand, there is a global economic migration, the rights and freedoms of the people are developing, the value given to customers increases, on the other hand computer and communication technologies are developing.

Company Quality Certificate

It is a known fact that quality is determined by the customer. The fact that companies shape and manage their structuring according to the demands, expectations and needs of their customers is the fundamental aspect of total quality management. Total quality management, however, is the only way to ensure customer satisfaction or to provide the best quality products or services on the market.

Holding Quality Certificate

Corporate governance approach is a form of management that has been talked about a lot, and research and discussions are still ongoing. It is one of the priority issues for country managers, international organizations and the business world. The weight of the private sector in the economies of countries is indisputable. Economic success largely depends on the private sector.

Beverage Quality Certificate

Food sector has a very important place in the economy of our country and is the oldest industrial branch. The food sector also contributes to the development of sectors such as retailing, transportation and food market. The main input of the food sector is the agricultural sector. 45 percent of the population in our country is in the agricultural sector.

Industrial Quality Certificate

In theory, the industry, or today's industry, is the process of processing and evaluating raw materials into products to be used, using machines and similar tools at certain times or continuously. Industry is a very important factor in the development of countries. Developed countries have

Ad Quality Certificate

In the world's increasingly global business relations, the advertising sector is growing rapidly and its activities gain importance. In fact, advertising is not a new phenomenon. Tercüman-ı Ahval, which started its publication life in Istanbul in 1860, is the first private newspaper in our country. The first commercial advertisement was published in this newspaper. However, the advertiser

Property Quality Certificate

It is very important that the materials used during the construction of a real estate are of good quality in order to provide a smooth and comfortable use as a workplace or as a residence. Unfortunately, there are construction materials that are apparently not of high quality, but which cause various problems during use. This material

Storage Quality Certificate

Warehousing services are a sub-branch of the logistics sector. In parallel with the development of the logistics sector in our country, storage services are offered to customers in a more comprehensive and reliable manner. We provide services to the customers in determining, analyzing the storage needs of customers and realizing the most appropriate solutions to their needs.

Transportation Quality Certificate

Today, our country has the most vibrant economy among the developing countries in the world. Especially in terms of its geographical location, it is at the intersection point of global trade which connects Europe and Asia and the West and the East. Thanks to this strategic position of our country, total global trade heme

Shipyard Quality Certificate

The facilities where ships are built, maintained or repaired are called shipyards. In the shipyards, these services are provided to passenger ships, merchant ships, yachts, industrial ships or warships. Cranes, slides, pools, manufacturing areas, assembly, pipe

Special Service Quality Certificate

Authorized services are mainly established to promote and represent the parent company and its products at various locations. They operate on behalf of the parent company in order to install, maintain and repair the products purchased by consumers. Therefore, the main company's service criteria and quality standards

Authorized Service Quality Certificate

The definition of authorized service services can be made in various ways. Businesses in which commercial organizations work in various regions to represent themselves and serve on their behalf are called authorized services. Or authorized services are organized to provide maintenance and repair services within an established distribution system.

Airline Quality Certificate

Although political and economic developments may adversely affect aviation activities from time to time, our country continues to grow in the civil and military aviation sector as in other sectors.

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Cosmetic Quality Certificate

The oldest known cosmetic product is soap. Today soap is still used for cleaning purposes. However, within the framework of consumption habits and marketing strategies, soap has developed and has become a cosmetic product today. Soap production was important in the Ottoman period and the first legal arrangements were made by Fatih Sultan Mehmet.

Sports Quality Certificate

Especially in crowded big cities, the lack of parks, not even jogging, cycling or walking areas are limited, pushing people who want to do sports to sports halls. Due to such a need, the number of gyms or fitness centers has increased rapidly. Obtain the expected benefit from these places

Glass Quality Certificate

The raw materials used in glass production are materials such as sand, soda and quartz. Our country is rich in terms of these resources. Therefore, 98 uses up to a percentage of domestic raw materials. However, glass raw material reserves cannot be said to be of high quality. Moreover, raw material resources which are suitable in terms of physical and chemical properties

Tire Quality Certificate

The tire industry, which requires major technological investment and capital, is now in the hands of three major companies: Bridgestone (Japanese), Michelin (French) and Goodyear (American). The market share of these three companies is around 45 percent worldwide. The number of motor vehicles in our country is higher than that of the western countries, so the tire market is getting bigger every year.