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ISO / IEC 20000 IT Service Management

Internationally approved and accredited;
ISO / IEC 20000 Information Technology Services Management Certification and Certification Services

ISO / IEC 20000 Information Technology Service Management

The computer is an electronic machine that performs logical and arithmetic operations with the data entered by the users, can store the results of the operations it performs, and the information it stores can be accessed at any time. Today, computers are used in all areas from commercial transactions to education, from banking to health services, from scientific research to graphic applications and government offices.

The concept of information technology is a concept that emerged with the involvement of communication and computer technologies in human life. With the development of these technologies and more prominence in people's daily life, their importance increases. From the perspective of the present century, information technology is the largest technology affecting human life in terms of providing, processing, transmitting and reporting information by individuals or organizations.

Today, the two most valuable brands in the world are Apple and Google. In other words, information technology companies, food, automotive and heavy industry companies are in front of this situation. This situation clearly shows how the world is going through a process. The fact that information technology companies are so valuable is a proof of how important and valuable the information is today. Today, the basic production and power factor is now information. Being an information society has gained great importance.

Our country is also becoming an information society. The fact that the information society strategy and action plan has been prepared by the Information Society Department of the Ministry of Development is proof of this.

Knowledge has always been important, but today it has become easier to access, acquire and participate in the production of information thanks to the possibilities of information and communication technologies. Thanks to new technologies, it is possible to reach and use information sources in a wider framework. Furthermore, thanks to these technologies, information is produced and disseminated at an incredible speed.

Today, big data is mentioned. Big data is data that is produced in global computer networks and cannot be edited and processed with traditional databases and software today. According to statistics, 60 made more than 2 million Google searches in seconds, nearly three million Youtube videos were watched, 292 million emails were sent and 414 million dollars were shopped online. These figures show how fast information increases.

On the other hand, the dimensions of the amount of information that can be reached by using information technologies can be understood by comparing them to examples from daily life. for example one gigabyte of data means a van full of paper. Two gigabytes of data correspond to books on an 20-meter library shelf. One terabyte of data means 50 thousand trees converted to paper. 10 terabytes of data are all written documents contained in the American Library of Congress. 50 petabytes of data means texts written in all languages ​​throughout human history. One zettabyte of data means 250 billion DVDs.

All technologies used to collect, process, store, transfer, and make available to users and all the tools used to process information are called information technologies. Information systems have a wider scope than information technologies. Information systems include all hardware, software, personnel, data and processes that work together to meet the needs of users.

ISO 20000 Information Technology Service Management System

It is now almost impossible for people and organizations to operate without information technology. Information has become the most important source of the business world and the information technologies that are formed by transferring this information to technology have a great place in business life and daily life.

The fact that information technologies are widely used, becoming widespread and rapidly developing and rapidly changing technology increases the speed of risks that companies will face. Firms need to perceive this change and the risks associated with the change and turn it into an opportunity. It is almost impossible for companies that fail to compete in the changing business world.

The ISO 20000 Information Technology Service Management System standard, prepared by the International Standards Organization, is a standard that provides information technology services to companies or units that:

  • How to meet the expectations of the company's internal and external customers
  • How to improve and improve their status and performance
  • How to manage related business processes
  • What methods to apply when serving customers
  • How to apply these methods

The ISO 20000 standard is a process-based standard and can be easily integrated with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System or the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System.

What standards does the ISO 20000 Standard Family consist of?

The ISO 20000 standard series consists of the following five standards:

  • ISO / IEC 20000-1: 2011 Information Technology Service Management System Terms

This standard is the reference for information technology companies to establish service management systems. Firms are certified according to this standard.

  • ISO / IEC 20000-2 Information Technology Service Management System Application Principles

This standard contains application-related principles and instructions for the implementation of the ISO / IEC 20000-1 standard. These principles are prepared specific to the company that wants to obtain a certificate or wants to improve its services.

  • TS ISO / IEC 20000-3 Information Technology - Service Management - Part 3: Guide to Scope Definition and Applicability of ISO / IEC 20000-1 Standard

This standard is an auxiliary standard that explains how the scope of the system will be determined and implemented for the companies that set up the Information Technology Service Management System.

  • TSE ISO / IEC EN 20000-4 Information Technology - Service Management - Part 4: Process Reference Model

This standard describes the practice of developing a firm's process evaluation model.

  • TS ISO / IEC EN 20000-5 Information Technology - Service Management - Part 5: Sample Implementation Plan for the ISO / IEC 20000-1 Standard

This standard is an exemplary practice on how service providers set up a service management system.

ISO 20000 Information Technology Service Management System Certificate

The ISO 20000-1 standard is a standard for the way an IT company manages its processes and operations. Firms that apply this standard in their businesses can apply for a ISO 20000-1 Certificate if they provide after-service to their customers by applying to a certification body.

ISO 20000 series of standards is a standard created to create the corporate structure of IT companies. The ISO 20000-1 Certificate is for information technology service management purposes only and is the first worldwide accepted standard. Certification works are based on ISO 20000-1 standard. The ISO 20000-2 standard is a guideline and describes the application principles.

ISO 20000-1 Certificate certifies the level that the company should reach while providing the required service to customers.

Benefits of ISO 20000 Information Technology Service Management System

In terms of titles, the ISO 20000 standard gives the companies the following:

  • It is aimed at all customers of the company and brings costs to the desired level
  • Keeps information technology services running
  • Prevents and eliminates complexity of information technology risks
  • Saves time for the company
  • Provides firm competitive advantage
  • Improves safety, speed and quality of services
  • Provides accurate determination of customer needs and provides customer satisfaction
  • The company uses its resources more efficiently and effectively

our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.Is ready to help with any doubts about ISO 20000 Information Technology Service Management System and ISO 20000-1 Certificate.



ISO / IEC 20000 Certificate