All organizations that produce goods and services according to national and international standards, depending on their field of activity and needs, want to get a certificate of the standards they have established.
These standards are grouped in various ways, depending on their characteristics and application principles. For example, a set of standards are management systems standards. System certification studies are planned and systematic studies that ensure that certain conditions are met in terms of ensuring the quality and reliability of a product or service. With the management system standards, the processes, workflows and duties and responsibilities of the employees are determined in the production stages of the product or service. Some of the standards in this group are as follows:
- ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard
- ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standard
- ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System standard
- ISO 27001 Information Security Management System standard
- ISO 50001 Energy Management System standard
- ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Management System standard
- ISO 28001 Supply Chain Safety Management System standard
- ISO 31000 Enterprise Risk Management System standard
- ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System standard
- ISO 20000 Information Technology Service Management System standard
Another group of standards are product certification standards. Firms that produce a product and service require product certification in order to prove that their products comply with the relevant standards and norms and to provide assurance for their customers. Some of the standards in this group are as follows:
- CE Marking System
- G Marking System
- TSE Halal Conformity standard
- TSE Halal Slaughter standard (conformity to halal slaughter given to a lot in meat and meat products)
- TSE GYB Safe Green Building standard
- GAP Good Agricultural Practices standard
- GMP Standard of Good Manufacturing Practices
- EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility standard
- TSE Star Criteria Compliance standard
A set of standards are also food product certification standards. Food safety standards are designed to eliminate or minimize food-borne hazards, and their common approach is to ensure food safety from farms to the consumer's table. Some of the standards in this group are as follows:
- BRC FOOD Food standard
- 160970 HACCP standard for Hazard Analysis at Critical Control Points
- HALAL Islamic Conformity standard
- ISO TS 13027 Hygiene Sanitation standard
- FSSC 22000 Food Safety standard
- GAP Good Agricultural Practices standard
- GMP Standard of Good Manufacturing Practices
- IFS International Food Standard
Finally, a set of standards are sectoral certification standards.
What is Sectoral Certification?
The standards described above are generally applicable to companies of all sectors. However, in some sectors, although the listed standards are applicable, certain specific requirements are needed depending on their field of activity. On the basis of such sectoral standards is one of the basic standards mentioned above. In addition to these basic standards, the following are examples of sectoral standards developed in accordance with the sectors in which they operate:
- Azotex Secure Textile System standard
- ECOMark Ecological Product standard
- ISO 18513 Tourism Services Management System standard
- ISO 3834 Welded Manufacturing Management System standard
- ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System standard
- ISO 15504 Software Process Evaluation System (SPICE) standard
- SA 8000 Social Responsibility System
- ISO 20252 Market Public Opinion and Social Research Management System standard
- ISO 28001 Supply Chain Safety Management System standard
- FSC-COC Forest Management System standard
- Seven Star Hotel Certification System standard
our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.conducts its sectoral certification studies based on the authorization it has received from national and international accreditation institutions.