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TS EN 15224: 2012

Internationally approved and accredited;
TS EN 15224 Health Services Quality Management System Certification and Certification Services

TS EN 15224 Health Services Quality Management System

The basic instinct of the living world is to preserve its health and maintain its generation. The behaviors towards this have continued from the moment that living things existed to the earth. These behaviors, which are only an instinct in other living things, have developed into conscious and conscious behaviors in human beings and at the same time they have gained a social behavior. The emergence of the health services sector is the result of this development.

Health services have been in continuous development due to technological developments and changes in the manner and understanding of the provision of health services. In this development, both development and accumulation in science and production relations and level of society played a decisive role.

Long before the existence of positive sciences, human discomfort in early ages was based on a number of supernatural forces and events. Therefore, the basis of health procedures would be to expel evil spirits, to carry out some mystical actions or to offer vows to supernatural forces. Even today, wearing blue beads against evil eye, writing amulets to patients, hoping for mediums from the psychics, magic and similar practices are the ruins of that period.

The second stage in the history of health care is the recognition that certain plants and foodstuffs can eliminate some problems. Although not in the present sense, various substances have been used as medicines and a number of ailments have been eliminated. This app is also still traces today.

The third stage is to begin to recognize and understand the causes and causes of certain diseases. In this period, it was understood that the diseases were different from each other and treatment methods were developed in accordance with the manner and effects of the diseases. During this period, microorganisms that cause infectious diseases and antibiotics against them were developed.

Finally, at the end of the developments in science, the last stage which is called contemporary period has been started. In this period, not only the causes and effects of the faults were satisfied, but all the physical, biological and social environmental factors and their relationships were discussed. It is understood that it is not enough to treat individual patients in order to ensure that the whole society is healthy, and if some of the problems in the environment are eliminated, diseases can be prevented or even eliminated.

As a result of these developments, preventive health services have started to be discussed more seriously. People should be protected when intact, but if they become ill, appropriate treatment should be initiated. Contemporary health understanding requires this.

Health Level of Society in Our Country and European Union Countries

Compared to European Union countries, our country has a very young population and the population is rising rapidly. Some statistical values ​​are as follows:

  • The proportion of the population under the age of 15 in European Union countries varies between 16 and 19. In our country, this rate is 31.
  • The birth rate in European Union countries varies between 9 and 13 per thousand. In our country, this ratio is 22 per thousand.
  • The annual population growth rate in the European Union countries varies between 2 and 6 per thousand. In our country, this ratio is 21 per thousand.
  • In the European Union countries, the infant mortality rate varies between 5 and 9 per thousand species. In our country, infant mortality rate is 45 per thousand.
  • In European Union countries, maternal mortality rate varies between 7 and 15 at one hundred thousand live births. In our country, this ratio is 130 per thousand.
  • The life expectancy at birth in European Union countries is between 75 and 79 years. In our country, 69 is for years.

These statistics show that there is a huge difference in health services and health level between the European Union countries and our country. In order to close this difference, very fast and effective changes are necessary.

TS EN 15224 Health Care Quality Management System Standard

TS EN 15224 Health Services Quality Management System introduces a quality management system standard for healthcare providers. The basis of this standard is the ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard. Designed in exactly the same structure, the EN 15224 standard contains additional health sector-specific conditions and principles.

The main difference between the EN 15224 standard and the ISO 9001 standard is reflected in the risk management and patient safety clauses. In addition, all the requirements in the ISO 9001 standard are included in the EN 15224 standard.

What is the Scope of the Quality Management System Standard?

The articles of the TS EN 15224 standard are designed with the following headings:

  • Appropriate care: Depending on the condition of the disease, treatment should be applied according to the evaluation results.
  • Accessibility: Health services should be accessible and accessible to all.
  • Maintaining care: After treatment, maintenance, monitoring and control services should be provided.
  • Effectiveness: Treatment should be applied as soon as possible depending on the conditions of the disease.
  • Productivity: From the patient's point of view, the best results should be obtained with minimal resource usage.
  • Equality: Each patient must be given the same service.
  • Evidence: Based on the characteristics of the disease, evidence and treatment should be applied.
  • Physical and psychological support: Necessary physical and psychological support should be given depending on the patient's consent.
  • Informing the patient: The patient should be provided with accurate and reliable information at all stages of treatment.
  • Patient safety: All possible risks should be identified and communicated to the patient during health care procedures.
  • Timely accessibility: Health care should be provided without meaningless and unexplained waiting times.

EN 15224 Health Services Quality Management System standard covers the subjects related to the planning of health services, providing these services and clinical risk management in the processes such as examination, diagnosis, treatment and care.

In the implementation of the EN 15224 standard, the scope of general health services includes basic health services, pre-hospital care and hospital services, tertiary health services, care and foster homes, preventive health services, mentally disabled care services, physiotherapy services, dental treatment services and occupational diseases. services and rehabilitation and pharmacy services.

In short, the main objective of the TS EN 15224 Health Services Quality Management System standard is to manage clinical processes and possible risks to ensure quality in health care.

What is the benefit of TS EN 15224 Health Care Quality Management System Certificate?

Health institutions that establish and manage the TS EN 15224 standard may request a TS EN 15224 Certificate from an accredited certification body. It is not an obligation to obtain this document. However, health institutions who want to prove that they are operating in accordance with the requirements of this standard also benefit in many ways. For example,

  • This document proves that they perform control and risk management in standard clinical services.
  • As processes are continually improved, potential errors are minimized.
  • This provides time, labor and material gain.
  • At the same time, health services are given high quality.
  • TS EN 15224 Certificate gives you the opportunity to win new corporate customers.
  • If the ISO 9001 standard is already applied in the healthcare institution, this system is very easily integrated.
  • TS EN 15224 standard also easily integrates with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and ISO 27001 Information Security Management System.

our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc., TS EN 15224 Health Services Quality Management System and TS EN 15224 Certificate is ready to help with any doubts about.



TS EN 15224 Certificate