Halal food refers to the preparation of food products in accordance with Islamic rules from the field or from the farm to the consumer's table. In other words, halal food approach, which is the general approach of food safety system, does not cause any deterioration and contamination in foods due to plant, animal, chemical or microbiological reasons, starting from raw material supply, preparation, processing, use of additives, packaging, storage, means that the conditions covering all the rings of the food chain are carried out in accordance with the understanding and criteria of the Islamic religion until it is dispatched, put up for sale and purchased by consumers.
In this way, foods are presented in hygienic and sanitary conditions in accordance with Islamic conditions. Foods do not constitute a religious disadvantage.
The concept of halal food does not actually bring a new understanding. The concept of halal food is also mentioned in the pre-Islamic religious books. The Kosher standards and documentation that the Jews are trying to implement meticulously even today are the most vivid examples of this. The use and consumption of food produced in accordance with Kosher standards is not a disadvantage for the Jewish religion. The Kosher standard, adopted by Jewish living in America, is now considered a universal food standard.
In the Ottoman period, the food stamp on the foods in the 1860 years meant that there was no problem in consuming this food. This practice, which was initiated long before the Kosher practice of Jews, is regarded as the first example of a modern understanding of certification. Moreover, the basics of this application Hz. Omar goes back to the time.
It can also be said that the concept of halal food has existed together with the first human. Adam and Eve were expelled from heaven for eating the fruit of the tree that God forbade. That is, people should only accept and eat what is allowed by God.
In the Jewish religion, pork, camel and rabbit meat and their products, caviar, eggs with blood stains, all kinds of insects, reptiles and rodents, the birds mentioned in the Torah, scales and fin finned ones, other than shellfish, mussels and oysters animals, octopus, squid, lobster, shrimp, and the products that are forbidden from eating animals, such as milk products are not halal.
In Christianity, except for certain days, there are no major restrictions on food use.
In the religion of Islam, pork and pork products, blood, carnivorous animals, all reptiles and products derived from them, all insects, dead and slaughtered animal meat, carcasses, animals slaughtered without the name of God, alcohol and alcoholic products are not halal.
Today, there are an average of 14 million Jews and over two billion Muslims in the world. When a majority of Muslims leave the country, Kosher consumes labeled meat and products.
Why Halal Food Standard is Needed
Today standards are accepted as the common language of international trade. The only way to compete in national and international markets is to produce in accordance with these standards. At the same time, as a result of efforts to use natural resources in the most efficient way, standardization has become a necessity, not a luxury for people and organizations.
Therefore, people who think about their health all over the world, regardless of their beliefs, are produced according to halal standards and have products with Halal Food Certificate on them.
Standardization studies are also very important in terms of leaving a more livable world to future generations. Today, the source of many diseases that threaten human health are edible and smoked foods and the additives used in their production.
The aim of the halal food standard and halal food certificate is to ensure the production of healthy, nutritious and hygienic foods by all food manufacturers in our country and the world in the food production chain, to comply with the provisions of religion forbidden and halal food during production and to comply with Islamic rules. and prevent damage to nature.
Halal Islamic Conformity Certification Works in the World
The World Halal Council (WHC) was established in 2002 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Halal standards used by Muslim countries all over the world have been designed by this organization. In the World Halal Council, which has close members to 60, each member organization accredits each other in accordance with the bylaws. In addition, each country has its own halal standards.
Another organization is the World Halal Foundation (WHF), headquartered in Malzeya. The main objective of the Foundation is to become a United Nations accredited organization and to prepare a common halal food standard among the countries of the world.
Malaysia is the first country in the world to issue Halal Food Certificate. In this country, halal food studies are carried out by the Government of Malaysia's Islamic Development Department (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia, JAKIM).
In Malaysia, where 60 percent of the population is Muslim, obtaining Halal Food Certificate is of great importance for many national and international companies.
There is another organization called World Halal Forum, which is also based in Malaysia. This organization is generally engaged in the market of halal certified products.
In addition, there are institutes in Malaysia that conduct scientific and technical studies and researches on halal food production.
In the second half of the 2000 years, non-governmental organizations were established in Turkey for the production and certification of halal food through associations and foundations. In the year 2005, an association named GIMDES (Food and Needs Supervision Research and Certification Association) was established. This association later became a member and accredited by national and international organizations. In 2009, Halal Food Standard was issued by GIMDES and Halal Food Certificate was issued. This study is a first in our country and is very important.
When the Turkish Standards Institute started to issue Halal Food Certificate in July, 2011, the studies gained an official identity.
In 2013, the World Halal Council (WHC) convened in Istanbul. This meeting was attended by a total of 20 NGOs from Malaysia, USA, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Kenya, Canada, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Malawi and Italy. The main purpose of the meeting was to finalize the international halal standard that all Islamic countries could follow jointly.
The Institute of Standards and Metrology of Islamic Countries, headquartered in Istanbul, continues to work on the standard. Among the Islamic countries close to 60, only 11 countries participate in these studies. Malaysia, which is considered a pioneer in the field of Anak halal food, does not participate in these studies.
Today, there is still no international halal certification accepted by Muslim countries in the world. Although certification studies are carried out by a number of dependent or independent organizations as described above, there is no system, for example, the Jewish Kosher System. Currently, studies in this direction in our country are carried out by the Food and Needs Supervision Research and Certification Association (GIMDES) and the Turkish Standards Institute.
Studies by Turkish Standards Institute
Serious studies on halal food have been initiated by the associations and foundations established in our country with this understanding in the years of 2000. However, although some applications are being made, it cannot be said that the international standards of halal food are fully developed.
As a result of the studies carried out under the leadership of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, three standards that will be the basis for halal food certification studies were determined and these three standards were accepted and put into force at the meeting of the member countries of the Institute of Standardization and Metrology of Islamic Countries. These standards were later published by the Turkish Standards Institute in 2011, adapted to the conditions of our country. These three standards are:
• TS OIC / SMIIC 1: 2011 Halal Food General Guide
• TS OIC / SMIIC 2: Guidance for 2011 Halal Certification Organizations
• TS OIC / SMIIC 3: Guide to Accreditation Agency Accrediting 2011 Halal Certification Bodies
The Turkish Standards Institute has been giving Halal Food Certificate since 2011 on the basis of these standards.
In parallel with these efforts, in 2013, with the joint decision of European Union countries, CEN / TC 425 Halal Food Project Committee was established. The work of this committee, of which Turkey is a member, has not been completed yet.
What are the principles of Halal Food Standards
The basic principles of halal food standards which will be the basis of the halal islamic conformity certification studies can be explained as follows:
• Halal food standards are aimed at ensuring that food is not only in compliance with the requirements of religion, but also in terms of hygiene and hygiene quality and human values.
• Haram food standards are aimed not only to ensure that food is not in conformity with the requirements of religion, but also in terms of hygiene and hygiene quality and human values.
• Halal means religious regulations and legal regulations. Many foods and foods that are not mentioned forbidden in the Qur'an and hadith are halal.
• Haram means prohibited by religious rules and legal regulations. Religiously forbidden to eat the forbidden food and sin.
Today, ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System standard is the basis for halal food certification studies. In addition to the analysis dimension and hygiene conditions of this system, the requirements of Islamic rules are also considered and conformity assessment is carried out in parallel.
How Halal Food Standards Are Applied
Halal food standards are required to produce foods in accordance with the beliefs of Muslim consumers. Numerically, there are more than two billion Muslims in the world and most of them want to be fed with halal food. The HACCP standard and the ISO 22000 standard, which had an important place in the food sector before, do not fully comply with the concept of halal, which protects human health and nature and also aims to produce quality products for manufacturers and all businesses on the food chain. . The adaptive aspects only relate to the cleaning and hygiene aspect of the halal food standard. However, the standard of halal food is directly related to whether or not food products and their additives are halal in terms of religious principles.
Turkish Standards Institute has been conducting certification studies since 2011. In this regard, TS OIC / SMIIC 1: 2011 Halal Food General Guide standard and TSE Product Certification Center is based on the Halal Food Certification Directive. This Halal Food General Guide has been prepared by the Institute of Standards and Metrology of Islamic Countries.
In summary, halal islamic compliance studies are in full compliance with religious principles in terms of foods, raw materials and additives, preparation and processing methods, health and hygiene conditions and safety rules.
Halal food standards are applied to all businesses operating in the fields of meat products, cereal products, vegetable and animal based oils, sugar and confectionery products, soft drinks (non-alcoholic beverages), genetically modified foods, food additives, packaging materials and similar, depending on the field of activity of the enterprises. .
our organization TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc.is ready to help with any doubts about halal islamic conformity certification studies.